
Nordic Fellowship in Clinical Radiology

The aim of this fellowship is to increase cooperation between the Nordic countries.

The Board of the Nordic Society of Medical Radiology (NSMR) can decide to award a Nordic fellowship (resestipendium).

The number of fellowships and amount to be awarded is to be decided by the Board.

Fellowships are awarded in the year in between the Nordic Congresses to promote collaboration between the Nordic countries. Fellowships are to be given to residents in radiology to support a stay at a radiology department in another Nordic country. At least two Nordic counties must be involved, and the fellowship must be given to a research project or an educational project. Membership of a national society is required.

Each national society is invited to suggest up to two candidates for the fellowship. If two are suggested, a prioritized list should be given.

Applications (in Nordic language or English) from the candidates must be sent via the national societies to the secretary of the NSMR before February 1st in even years (non-congress years).

The application should include

  • the purpose of the stay, destination and length of time
  • when the stay is planned
  • a short CV of the applicant
  • recommendation from the head of the department where the resident is employed

The decision of who is to be awarded the grants will be decided at the NSMR board meeting in March. The secretary of the NSMR will notify the applicants before April 1st. The grant is to be used within 12 months of it being awarded.

A report from each grant recipient must be sent to the secretary of NFMR within two months after the conclusion of the visit and it may be published on the website or in national newsletters.

Due to the pandemic of COVID-19, the deadline for the Nordic Fellowship has been postponed.

New deadline for the application of the Nordic Fellowship is 1. Feb. 2021.

For further details/application submission

Roberto Blanco Sequeiros
Department of Radiology
Turku University Hospital
20520 Turku, Finland
Phone: 044-3922092
E-mail: roberto.blanco@tyks.fi

Previous fellowships